Tuesday 24 May 2011

a mock up of my final piece..

After watching a few youtub videos to inspire me, i attempted to make a mock up of my final e-sting.

After making this short video of how id like my esting to be, it has helped me in knowing how i would make my final esting. I would definately make it in the same style as i made my mock up piece. It worked very well and was easy to make. If i made my final piece i would just make the lego surroundings better.


Plasticine can be very time consuming,so i thought about lego and making a lego stop motion e-sting. I watched a few videos on youtube, though this video really stood out and inspired me.

I think this will be alot easier to make, as the lego figures are easy to manouvure.

looking further into my final idea..

I thought about how i wanted to use stop motion for this project and looked into plasticine stop motion videos, for example Morph.

The way it is filmed and how stop motion is used in this video is how id like to go about making my e-sting. I chose to look at morph as in comparison its a step up from the previous plasticine video i looked at. Morph is very well made and the transitions it makes are very smooth, so it isnt obvious his face is changing or he is moving.

Monday 9 May 2011

final idea..

The idea i want to be my e4 esting is my fishing idea. I want to take it further and make it out of plasticine. I was thinking of making it with plasticine,though making plasticine people can be quite time consuming so i thought about making the surroundings out of plasticine and the fishermen being made out of lego or something along those lines. It will look similar to this in the way it is made..

Plasticine i feel is a very good way to make an object move easily as it can be pulled apart or made to look different very quickly. I like this video as it is along the same lines of how id go about making my e4 esting with plasticine.


hook a duck..

gone fishing..

Friends storyboard..

hook a duck..

My third and final idea is at the funfair. With a boy being at the fun fair on the 'Hook a Duck' game. He wants to catch the purple duck with no luck at first, he finally catches it to his delight and then we see the duck has an e4 logo at the bottom of it!

Again i made a mock up of what i would like it to look like.

gone fishing?

Another idea i had was about a fisherman. Basically a fisherman is having a quiet afternoons fishing, birds are singing in the background, when he feels a tug on his rod, after yanking it to see what hes caught, a e4 logo pops out of the water and is caught on the end of his rod!
I made this mock up using images from the internet to show how i would like my esting to be.