Monday 9 May 2011


The first idea i took from my mindmap that i want to take further is my friends idea. With friends being such a massive and popular programme for years and is now shown regulary on e4 i thought about making a esting about that. Also with friends coming to an end on e4 and moving to another channel i thought this would suit really well.

My thought is using stop frame animation i would take pictures of each of the 6friends and stick them to the back of card, almost make them like a frame so they stand up. Then each would move in time and eventually be in a line, then as they are all lined up they fall backwards causing the e4 logo to pop up behind them. I would acheive this by taking photos each time they move.

This is an example of a stop motion video:

I decided to look at this video because i like the style of the stop motion and how it is filmed uaing post it notes. I think how it is made suits exactly what id like to do, as i think it is made from a series of photos over time.

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